BHCA Final Report_External (1)_page-0001 (3)

Final impact report

13 August 2024

This is a final report provides an overview of the project and impact over the past three years during our first round of funding (March ’21-March ’24).

It looks at:

    • Project highlights
    • Our body of work
    • Project challenge
    • Learning
    • Impact
    • Testimonials

We hope you find it a useful summary and can even possibly apply it in your work.

“For anyone out there who is considering taking part in co-production work in inclusion health… do it! Co-producing improvements, system change and research in inclusion health can break  down barriers and misconceptions and will provide valuable insights and improvements. It will build your skills and confidence, you’ll get to meet great people and have fun while you’re at it!”

A special thank you to the Health Foundation, Arch Health CIC, Justlife, University of Brighton, NHS Sussex and Brighton and Hove City Council’s Public Health Dependent.

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