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BHCA Sustainability update

22 July 2024

Brighton and Hove Common Ambition are pleased to announce we have received funding to carry on the project until May 2025.

We hope that in continuing, we can embed lived-experience voice and co-production throughout services and systems in Brighton and Hove; from decision making to improvement design and delivery.

We have received funding and support from new stakeholders, mainly from within the local system. 

The five new streams of work will be:

  1. Public Health: Establishing and managing a new lived experience programme as part their Combating Drugs Programme
  2. Brighton & Hove City Council (BHCC) Multiple Compound Needs transformation programme: Evaluating the Changing Futures Multiple Disciplinary Team and consulting on the programme recommendations
  3. BHCC housing: Supporting their strategy refresh and external communications 
  4. Health Foundation: Continuing our homeless healthcare work including the Homeless Health Hub and Medical Student Training
  5. Arch Healthcare: Supporting to integrate patient voice into their service design and improvement 

The staff team will continue to be hosted by Arch Healthcare and Justlife Foundation. 

The project will look and feel different as we have specific pieces of work we need to complete. It is an exciting time, and as per usual, we will be learning and innovating as we go. So watch this space!  

We want to thank our initial funder The Health Foundation and project partners Arch Healthcare, the University of Brighton and Justlife, and everyone across the city who has come to our events, and engaged with and supported our work to this point. 

This is great news, and our hope is that we can continue past this new date of March 2025. As such we will continue to look for funding opportunities that cover lived-experience led system improvement.

Any questions about our new avenues of work, do get in touch.


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